
About Me

So here we go, I have been thinking about doing this blog for about a year now, and well God has set it in my heart to do so. I don’t know why He would want me to do this, but knowing God there is ALWAYS a purpose! I am not good at this, I am shy and especially not good with writing; sometimes I write the way I speak so ahead of time, please excuse me! I am not perfect and will never be, I have made plenty of mistakes in my life. I have had my share of struggles trying to be the perfect daughter, sister, wife, mother and especially the struggles of being a step mother to my 2-amazing step-children, step-daughter 17 years old and my step-son who is 13 years old.

I became a mother in my teens and was a single mother of 2 gorgeous kids, my daughter 16 years old and my son who is 11 years old. Until God sent my prince charming, he didn’t come riding in a white horse, but I will take it!! July 2012, we were married, and if I may say this was a fast marriage we courtship for 6 months and bang we were hitched! My husband was the one who introduced me to having a relationship with Jesus and not being religious. I thought we had the perfect life and marriage but I was wrong. We both fell off hard, he somewhat went back to his old ways (later subject) and I didn’t care about this marriage and I sure didn’t want anything to do with God. We even stopped going to church for about 2 years. God was not part of our house and neither was He the center piece of our marriage.

As we all know God is so good to us, sometimes I wonder if He just sits back and laughs at us while He watches us do stupid stuff in our lives and think that we know what we are doing is the right thing for us. Wondering when we will just give up and allow Him to guide us in the right path.  He is a humorous God, a loving God, a living God!!

Like I said in the beginning this blog is to share my life with you, maybe it will help you in whatever struggles you might be going through and if so I do pray this will help you, you don’t need to agree with me or judge me.  All I ask from you is to read and enjoy it, there is one thing I would like to ask of you is to challenge yourself to grow spiritually with God but most of all I challenge you to Grow Even Bigger with Jesus Christ our Savior!!!
